islamic new year 2024 – moharam images

Hello Friends welcome to Our Website. Today’s Post about of Islamic new year images.islamic new year 2024

islamic new year 2024

Happy Islamic new year

islamic new year 2024

Islamic new year happy for you

islamic new year 2024

May we always be on the path pleases

islamic new year 2024

Allah and be granted strength to face all challenges

islamic new year 2024

May the new year bring you peace

islamic new year 2024

May the new year bring you prosperity

islamic new year 2024

May this new year bring abundant blessings of allah

islamic new year 2024

Happy islamic new year for ummat-e-mohhamdiya

islamic new year 2024

May the joyous fill your heart with peace

islamic new year 2024

May the joyous fill your heart with happiness

islamic new year 2024

May the joyous fill your heart with peace

islamic new year 2024

May the joyous fill your heart with blessings

islamic new year 2024

May peace and blessings of Almighty Allah be with you this year and always

islamic new year 2024

This new year bring a lots of blessings

islamic new year 2024

This new year bring a lots of happiness

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About islamic new year 2024

Islamic New year is Started the month Muhharam. This is a very painful month for Muslim. because of Hazrat imam Hussain ibn Ali Sacrifice our live in a War in a Land of Karbala on Mubarak 61 AH (680CE). Prophet Hujur Sallallahi Alaihissalam is the Grand father of Harzat imam hussain ibn Ali.islamic new year 2024

This reason Muhharam celebrated, On the memorises of Hazrat imam Hussain ibn ali. Shia muslims take out Juloos via streets. They walk barefoot on the roads. They sing and suppurate loudly as an act of mourning for Hussain. The same celebration is observed during the Muharram holiday.islamic new year 2024

इस्लामिक नया साल मोहर्रम के महीने से शुरू होता है. ये महीना बहुत दर्दनाक था मुस्लिम के लिए क्योकि हजरत इमाम हुसैन इब्न अली ने करबला के मैदान मैं मुहर्रम के दसवें दिन जंग मैं झुझते हुए शहीद हो गए. हजरत सल्लल्लाहु अलैहिस्सलाम हजरत इमाम हुसैन इब्न अली के नाना लगते थे थे.

हजरत इमाम हुसैन इब्न अली के याद मैं मोहर्रम मनाया जाता है. शिया मुसलमान इस दिन रास्तो पर जुलूस निकलते है और नंगे पैर चलते है और उनके यादों मैं रोते है ‘या हुसैन’ के नारे लगाते है. ओर इस वजह इस दिन मुहर्रम की छुट्टी दी जाती है.


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